I don't know what I was thinking when I made the last poll. I yawn everytime I read it, and it made me have writer's block for some time. The question was "Which of These Actions Do You Find Acceptable?"
Final Poll Results82% (318 votes)
Sapping Telepoter Entrances30% (117 votes)
Spawn Camping27% (107 votes)
Class Stacking17% (68 votes)
Using the Developer Console10% (41 votes)
None Are Acceptable Actions3% (13 votes)
Skywalking2% (11 votes)
Glitching Through WallsIt appears as though 82% of you disagree with me on the subject of
Sapping Teleporter Entrances. I had even written a
heated article about it for Ubercharged.net when I was a fledgling author. But you know what? Do you know why it doesn't matter? BECAUSE VALVE AGREES WITH
In that article, with the assistance of
Tim M and
Wiser Guy, I came to the conclusion that Sappers should be removable from either end of a Teleporter. And if you look closely at the
list of changes in the recent Classless Update, you'll see that VALVE AGREES WITH
ME, B****ES!

Now onto other things.
When I wrote this poll, I thought that few (or none) of the readers would possibly decide that using the Developer Console was okay. To my suprise, 17% of you did. I wondered how this could possibly be until I found this
thread, followed by this
Basically, a group of dedicated modders were working to bring the Payload Mode to Dustbowl. In my book, that makes them heroes. As far as I can tell, Microsoft is the thing that would stand in the way of this. I have a feeling Valve would tell us how to do this (and hold our hands on the way), such is their stance on free content.
But you guys who said
Glitching Through Walls and
Skywalking were acceptable are pulling my leg, right? I admit I put those two in as a joke.
Speaking of jokes, what the hell is
this? Community gamer
smellsam44 posted a thread about me ragequitting a Sniper-only match, which is entirely true.
smellsam44 killed me with a crit Kukri and I rage quitted. Big deal, right?
Apparently not.
smellsam44 proceeded to write a thread about it in the
Steam User's Forums. No harm done, right? Just a little story, bro?
Apparently not. I have never seen a community get so defensive before about something so trivial. I couldn't care less if
smellsam44 decided to post such a story. I find it funny, but the rest of you didn't. It went on for three pages, during which it was agreed upon that I was a terrible
player and that
smellsam44 was a terrible
I don't agree with either of these.
smellsam44 had a tale to tell, and it was a fun one. On the other hand,
smellsam44's insistance that I was a worse player than him leaves me no other option.
smellsam44, if you are reading this, I challenge you to a 1v1 match on Well or Granary, in which it will be decided whom is the better player.
Anyway, what about updates for the Xbox 360 version of Team Fortress 2?

Furthermore, why doesn't Valve make a thread as cool as
this one for Xbox users now?
That is where
The 10/10 Project comes in. This is, by far, the most ambitious idea to come to Xbox 360 players since my very own
As you know if you are reading this, the petition was somewhat successful. With the help of 625 signatures, I was able to coax Valve into releasing an update to us Xbox 360 gamers. But I am convinced that the 10/10 Project is even better. Instead of a long list of names and one e-mail, why not a long list of e-mails?
The plan is to have Valve give out information by October 10th, 2009, the second birthday of
The Orange Box. Obviously, this requires a form letter, created by community leader
Frymon, which I present to you now.
Title of e-mail: You Choose one.
Dear Mr. Newell/Walker/Lombardi,
I am writing to you out of concern of Team Fortress 2's XBox360's port, I play this game [as much as I can/Often/Sometimes/Never because of the bugs] and I was wondering if you have any news about the update?
I am a member of the 10/10 Project. (http://forums.steampowered.com/forum...d.php?t=939754) This is a fast-growing XBox360 Only group that is dedicated to get information about the XBox360 Update.
Henceforth, here is my request to you and your company, to answer the pleas of the XBox360 community, I am asking you to release information about the XBox360 Update in a blog post on www.teamfortress.com by The Orange Box's 2nd birthday, October 10th, 2009 (10/10/09) or sooner.
The community does not want much, but, we are VALVe customers and as such, I think we deserve at least a bit of news about our Update, not small things plugged into an update every 6 months.
Thank you for your time,
[Your Name Here]
The plan is to send them all in on August 20th, 2009, but if you don't read this until after that date, send it in anyway. If you have any other questions, ask them
here. Good luck to us all!
In the meantime, you can vote in the new poll or watch The 10/10 Project's official